
Ashley, Marine Corps Veteran, Welding 1, 2, and 3 Graduate

by | Sep 3, 2024 | 2023, News & Media, Student Stories

“I feel like I have the skill set to be successful.”

Ashley, a native of Middletown, New York, found herself navigating life’s challenges early on when her parents divorced during her childhood. Despite the upheaval, Ashley’s resilience and determination paved the way for her remarkable journey.  

Her passion for service and a family legacy of military commitment led Ashley to enlist in the Marines at just 17. “I just always wanted to be a marine,” she recalls, citing her grandfather’s influence, who served in Vietnam and Desert Storm. With a desire to contribute to something greater than herself, Ashley embarked on a seven-year military career, serving as a field radio operator in the artillery and deploying to undisclosed locations in the Middle East.  

However, Ashley’s military journey took an unexpected turn due to medical reasons, forcing her to transition to civilian life earlier than anticipated. Reflecting on this, she shares, “Some of the injuries I’ll never recover from.” This highlights the physical and emotional challenges she had to overcome in adapting to post-military life.  

Like many transitioning veterans, Ashley faced uncertainties and anxieties about her future. The prospect of finding meaningful work outside the military seemed daunting, especially without prior experience in a civilian career path. Yet, Ashley’s determination to provide for her family and her affinity for manual labor led her to explore welding as a potential profession.  

Discovering Workshops for Warriors proved to be a turning point for Ashley. Drawn to the program’s focus on providing education and support to veterans transitioning into advanced manufacturing careers, Ashley found a community of like-minded individuals who understood her journey. “It’s a whole community basically made up of all veterans,” she explains, emphasizing the comfort and camaraderie she found among her peers.  

Under the guidance of experienced instructors like Derrick, Ashley honed her welding skills and gained the confidence to pursue her career aspirations. “I really had no welding experience a year ago,” she admits, reflecting on her remarkable progress since joining the program. With newfound confidence and expertise, Ashley envisions a future filled with opportunities, including the possibility of opening her own welding business.  

Her vision for the future extends beyond personal success; Ashley dreams of creating a supportive environment for fellow veterans, offering them a sense of purpose and belonging. “Ultimately, what I want to do is open my own business,” she shares, emphasizing her desire to hire veterans and foster a culture of creativity and collaboration.  

As Ashley reflects on her journey from military service to welding success, she acknowledges the profound impact Workshops for Warriors has had on her life. “I feel like I have the skill set to be successful,” she says, expressing gratitude for the program’s role in empowering her to pursue her dreams.  

With determination, resilience, and the support of programs like Workshops for Warriors, Ashley’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and community. As she looks ahead to a future filled with promise and possibility, Ashley’s story inspires others to embark on their own paths to success, knowing that with dedication and support, anything is possible.  

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